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Managing Organizational Change.  Are you seeing these things happen in your organization?  Multiple change projects underway at the same time actually compete with each other.  Many change efforts never get completed:  they are abandoned “in mid air.”  Confusion, frustration, and waste result.   Massive, expensive change efforts seem to go on without end—no one has a clear picture of the outcomes; so maybe nobody knows when to stop. Customer complaints are on the rise, valued employees are jumping ship, and you are losing market share.

If these things sound familiar, then contact us about Middleton-House & Company services that can help.  And you may wish to check out these resources for yourself.

  • House, Ruth Middleton.  It’s Time to Change the Way You Change.  Kennesaw, GA:  Middleton-House & Company, Second  Edition, 2005.

    Follow this link to purchase It’s Time to Change the Way You Change in hard copy or digital form from Performance Innovations.

Strategic Change in the Age of Uncertainty.  Start with a “Wicked” Problem—one with no clear solution and no agreed-upon formula for arriving at any solution.  Then blend in some social complexity—interested people from different professions; from different organizations; and, perhaps, from different parts of the world.  Finally, toss in the emerging trends—those developments in technology, society, the economy and so on that are often beyond your control.

If you’re wondering how to manage your business—or your life—under circumstances like these, then contact us about Middleton-House & Company services that can help.  And you may wish to check out these resources for yourself.

Collaboration at the New Speed of Change.  It’s hard enough to build collaboration in broad daylight and with everyone concerned face-to-face in the room.  It’s always been a challenge to pull together a group with different work styles, different ways of handling conflict, different agendas.

These days your work continues to unfold in the middle of the night—somewhere.  Perhaps it’s because of the team member (maybe it’s you) who has flashes of brilliance at 2:30 am.  Or perhaps it’s because you’re in Rome, Georgia and your manager is in Rome, Italy.  Or perhaps it’s because you need people from around the globe working around the clock to meet aggressive deadlinesThings are happening all hours of the day; they are happening all over the globe and they are happening very, very fast.

If you’re wondering how to keep track of all this and how to influence the outcome, then contact us about Middleton-House & Company services that can help.  And you may wish to check out these resources for yourself.

  • House, Ruth Middleton, “Handling Project Conflict,” in The Georgia Engineer,
    August-September 2007, 26-27.

    Click here to download this article.

  • House, Ruth Sizemore, “The Path of Project Success:  From Failure Analysis to Interpersonal Action,” 1992 Project Management Institute Seminar/Symposium, Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania:  Project Management Institute, 1992

    Click here to download this article.

Individual Resilience and Readiness for Change.  Change takes energy—even when it’s a change you chose.  And you didn’t choose many of the changes you are facing now.  Perhaps you didn’t see them coming; perhaps you were not the decision-maker; perhaps they were beyond both your control and the control of your organization.  You may have used every legitimate tool at your disposal to steer events in a different direction.  Just the same, the changes are here; and you are tired.

You may feel depleted, discouraged and disinterested.  You may be asking yourself “What’s the use?”  Or you may feel angry or confused or both.  You have trouble focusing at work and your family tells you that you seem distant and preoccupied at home.  If you are wondering how to move forward in the midst of all this, then contact us about Middleton-House & Company services that can help.  And you may wish to check out these resources for yourself.



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